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First of all, thank you for choosing to contribute to the project. There are several ways to help the development of the project.

Star on GitHub

The easiest thing you can do is just give us a star on GitHub. It will take you a couple seconds, but it will be my pleasure!


If you know a language that is not in Shorter, you can make a very valuable contribution by adding a new translation. This way a large number of people can use Shorter. Not everyone knows English.

Currently, 2 languages are supported: English, Russian. You can add a new translation You can add a new translation to any of the applications:


If you know how to answer a question in discussions, you will help other users a lot! Even creating your own question sometimes helps a lot.

Add features

On GitHub, issues are created, with new features created. If you have the opportunity, you can participate in the development of the project and fulfill any issue. Or create your own issue.

Besides tasks, there is a roadmap of the project, by reading which you can implement new functionality.

Bug fixes

Bugs are always occurring one way or another, if you encounter one in a project, create issue to fix it. If you have the opportunity, you can take any issue from the list and solve it!

Released under the AGPL-3.0 License